We Participate image
  • Your participation in ministry represents your appreciation of all the ways that God has shown you love, mercy, peace and in incorporation into the body of Christ.

    Think of the Body of Christ as a building. In order for a building to become a home for someone to live in, many different things have to take place. The foundation has to be poured. Walls need to be erected. A roof has to be put on. Plumbing and electricity have to be installed. Storage and furniture have to be placed inside. All that is necessary for a building to become a home, as we know it.

    None of that takes place on its own, nor does one person do it. A lot of work goes into building a home, work that is done by many different people who are all gifted in different ways. Concrete workers, framers, and roofers, electricians, plumbers, cabinet and furniture makers, as well as painters, people to lay the floor, and those who design the interior – all these people and more must contribute in order for a building to become a home.

    Something similar has to happen in the church. We all must use our gifts to build up the body of Christ. We all need to be actively engaged in the area of ministry with which Jesus has called us. We all have gifts and talents. How can you share yours with Christ the Good Shepherd?

  • Lector