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Practical Assignments 
Confessional Training
This will be with your mentor, who will ‘role-play’ some scenarios that you may encounter when hearing confessions.

Spiritual Leadership 
You will need to develop your own style, but every priest is a Spiritual leader and guide. Watch other priests taking worship, celebrating Eucharist, or dealing with people. Try and learn as much as you can from observing what and how they do it.

Public Speaking 
Skill You will need to be able to speak competently in public, for example to speak when leading worship or taking meetings. Practice this skill with your mentor, and you will be assessed on this.

Skill at Holding a Service 
You will need to be able to competently hold services of Mass, Benediction and Services of Blessing. Practice doing this at home and with your mentor; you will be assessed on this.
Prayer Delivery
You will need to be able to lead others in prayer, and to be able to pray in public and when others are listening to you. Practice this in your own home but take each opportunity that arises to pray openly in public.
Study Units
You will need to answer all the following questions unless exemption is granted by virtue of prior learning or experience. The preferred method is word-processed document or email as they can be done at any time and sent to your mentor for assessment, however those with special needs may be able to deliver their answers verbally.

Study One – Salvation
So, what exactly is Salvation?
1. ‘We are each responsible for our own salvation’. Comment.
2. How much does our belief of salvation drive us to be ‘our brother’s keeper’?
3. Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. Discuss
4. If we are 'saved' can we 'lose' our salvation?
Is Salvation a response? Or a reward?
5. Is salvation a reward for a sinless life?
6. Argue for and against salvation being a response to our belief in Jesus.
7. How does the contemporary world view salvation?
8. How can we bring others to salvation? And should we, do it? Discuss.

Study Two – Confession
1. How will you prepare yourself to hear a confession?
2. A confessional commands the utmost confidentiality. During a confession, you hear something very serious indeed which is either a crime that has been committed, or one soon to be committed. How will you decide: What, How much, Who to and the manner in which you divulge anything, whilst keeping confidence and also acting in a safeguarding role?
3. Is a corporate, congregational confession less effective or worthy than a private confession?
4. Write an essay as a commentary on the following: ‘If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins God will forgive us’.

Study Three – What does 'Real Presence' mean?
1. Give an outline of what is happening during Mass.
2. Many Protestant, Evangelical or Pentecostal Christians deny the Real Presence as understood by many Catholics. Yet they will recount Jesus’ words saying: ‘Wherever one or two are gathered in my Name, I will be there with them’. Explore the differences and similarities between these views.

Study Four - Church
-in general
1. Explain the role of scripture in the mass.
2. Explain why a priest should be present at mass. Is communion among friends less effective if a priest is not there?
3. We are called to baptise those who Christ calls. Is total immersion the only way to baptise? Explain using examples from the Bible and your own experience.
-about OLSSCC 
4. How can the Theology of Salvation be brought in Healing (Unction)?
5. In an essay, describe how healing works.
6. How does the Holy Spirit empower in sacrament?
7. Being a priest is about the sacramental; being a pastor is about practical serving: is it as simple as that?
8. The church’s liturgical year carries what significance for the modern priesthood?
Study Five - The Practical Priesthood
1. Aren’t priests and deacon’s the same thing? You answered this in the pastors training course. How do you answer now?
2. When someone has come to you for help or advice, when and how do you involve others in this duty of care?
3. Expound the concept of 'care of souls' and explain how you will exercise this in your priesthood.
4. Upon ordination, you will be a priest forever. Why is this?
5. Explain what each vestment is and the meanings of the vestments. What secular roles wear vestments? How are vestments different from uniforms
Upon reaching a suitable point; after prayer and discussion with your mentor and your bishop, an appointment to the priesthood will be made. A date will be set for an ordination service and a licence outlining the ministry which will be followed. Our Lady & St Sebastain’s Catholic Church will then support and encourage that serving and support you in it.
Learning never ends, being a priest is always a 'work in progress' and you will be no different. 'We never arrive but the joy is in the journey....' Patriarch Kieran OLSSCC.