Belgian bishops publish text for same-sex blessingsBelgian bishops have published a new document on the pastoral care of Catholics who identify as LGBT, including a text for blessing same-sex couples. Pope Francis “united in prayer” with Outreach LGBTQ Catholic conference
A new book of prayers for laypeople ministering to the sick could be on its way Declaration of Friendship signed at Dunfermline Abbey bewteen the Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church 16th Nov Why Catholics and Orthodox might once again celebrate Easter on the same date
Let Pray for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, Syria, Palestinians and Israelis,Yemen, peoples at risk of famine, especially in Afghanistan and in the countries of the Horn of Africa. The people of the Middle East. At home enjoy gathering with our loved ones, let us think of families that experience great hardship and those that, in this time of economic crisis, are struggling as a result of unemployment and lacking in the necessities of life.Holy Communion from the chalice reintroduced in the UK:
The bishops of England and Wales announced this week that the distribution of holy Communion from the chalice during Mass will resume starting Holy Thursday.
The U.K. bishops’ announcement comes after COVID-19 transmission concerns caused a three-year hiatus in the use of the chalice to distribute Communion.
Auxiliary Bishop John Sherrington of the Archdiocese of Westminster explained in a letter to priests that the resumption of Communion through the chalice on Holy Thursday allows pastors a period to educate the faithful on the importance of Communion in both forms.
“The period leading up to Holy Thursday presents an opportunity for appropriate catechesis of the faithful regarding the significance of the reception of holy Communion under either or both species,” Sherrington wrote.
“Important teaching, such as the totality of the body, blood, soul, and divinity of the Lord is received in either or both species, the personal disposition of those receiving holy Communion, and the reverence offered to the Blessed Sacrament should be included,” he wrote.
The bishops’ announcement has been met with enthusiasm in the U.K.
“I understood and supported the temporary withdrawal of the chalice on health grounds, but it still felt like a loss,” said Father Philip Dyer-Perry, a parish priest at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary in Staines, England. “There is so much richness in understanding the Eucharist not only as food but also as drink.”